Want to know how to set up an integration through Zapier? 

Refer to the video below to learn how!

Important things to understand. 

  1. You need to have a company or premium subscription to access this feature. 
  2. If you are on a company account, the owner/admin has access to create integrations. Any other role more than likely would not have permissions turned on to set that process up for the company. 
  3. You will need your Zapier key to connect RepCard to the app of your choice. Please log in to RepCard on a desktop browser at this link: https://app.repcard.com/admin/login
  4. Once you're logged in, Go to "Company Settings" on the left-side menu and select "Integrations/Connectors" to view the page in the video. Select "Generate Key" if you don't already have a Zapier API key shown on that page. 
  • Note: Some integrations on Zapier, such as Go High Level (GHL), are private and you will need to request access from that app to connect it with RepCard.

Any questions on how to set up your Zap integration, please follow the link below to connect to Zapier's support team: 

If the Zap is set up correctly but the information is not communicating over, please reach out to integrations@repcard.com

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