If you want to use iCal on your iPhone calendar and have a Gmail account, follow these simple steps to sync your RepCard with your iCal.
1. Open Google Calendar on your computer. Click Settings in the top right.
2. Under Settings for my calendars, click the name of the calendar you want to use
3. Click Integrate calendar. Then copy the link in the "Secret address in iCal format" section
4. On your iPhone, open the Calendar, tap on "Calendar" at the bottom of the screen.
5. Tap "Add Calendar" on the bottom left
6. Then tap on "Add Subscription Calendar"
7. Paste the iCal link you previously copied from the Google Calendar settings. Then tap "Subscribe".
8. Go to the RepCard app. Tap on the Setting Gear wheel in the top right corner. Tap on "Calendar Settings". Then tap "+ Add Calendar". Choose the Google Calendar and follow the prompts to sync with your Google calendar.
**Be sure to choose the same Google account that you synced with your iCal**
That's it! Feel free to reach out to support@repcard.com if you have any questions.