2. Click here to view the RepCard Menu
3. Click "Contacts"
4. Click "Import"
5. Click "Download sample"
6. In a new tab, navigate to your GoogleDrive
7. Click "New"
8. Click "File upload"
Upload the csv file - "lead_import_sample"
9. The "lead_import_sample.csv" should upload successfully.
10. Once uploaded, click here.
11. Click "Open with"
12. Click "Google Sheets"
**If you only have the addresses, you can follow this video: How to convert between latitude and longitude and addresses in Google sheets? OR use this google sheets plug in: Geocode for Sheets & Mapping Sheets to get the latitude and longitude.
***Latitude & Longitude are required to have contacts populate as pins on the map
14. Once the file is ready to import, download the file as a csv.
15. Navigate to your current RepCard tab, Click "Import"
16. Click to upload file, choose your csv file that was downloaded through Google Sheets.
17. Import status will show "imported" when successful.
**Failure to follow these steps will result in an error message, please troubleshoot with your csv file for any required content needed or missing columns.**