All of the below can be toggled on or off, depending on your preferences. If you do not want to have notifications from RepCard, make sure these are all toggled off.
Follow the below steps to get to your notifications and make your selections:
- Click on the settings gear wheel in the upper right hand corner
- Select notifications
- When a contact leaves you a review
- When a contact views your card link
- Any news/updates from RepCard
- Lead/Customer gets a follow up text
- Appointments added by you about your lead/customers
- Be reminded to contact a recruit (you set the amount of days to be reminded)
- Someone clicks a CTA on your profile
- When a text campaign added to your contact ends
- When a contact plays your video
- When someone verifies your ID badge
- When someone nudges for a recruit
- When someone sends you a referral
- When someone scan your QR Code/ID Badge
- When someone saves your contact into their RepCard or phone
- When someone visits your website
- When RepCard sends you important links to open
- When a scheduled text is sent
- When someone opens your social media link
- When a contact/recruit uploads a file
- When someone submits their info on your profile link
- When someone taps calendar on your profile page
- When your contact joins RepCard
- When someone assigns you to a map area
- When someone shares a contact with you
- When 'type' of a shared contact changes
- Basic info of a shared contact changes
- When a contact leaves your colleague a review
- When someone deletes your campaign in contact
- When 'status' on an appointment changes
- If a notification should be updated
- Reminder added by you about your contacts
- Competition added by you
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